Let’s Talk Tuesday! – Jules & Buck –

Hi everyone! Gracie here, today I am gonna talk about Jules and Buck!


If you don’t know…then you are a sheltered AIO fan! 😛 Anyways….you should know by now that Buck and Jules are a “thing” in Odyssey! *grins* It is pretty cute!! Some people don’t like it since they are still teenagers, but I like it. 🙂  I love both their characters! They are awesome, together and separate! Hope Intrusion: *squeals* YESSSSJules Kendall.jpg

Jules came to Odyssey when Connie’s mom passed away. Shona Rodman (Jules) was the Get in the Show grand prize winner in 2012. As part of the prize she got to do a voice in Odyssey, they loved Shona, and the character Jules so much, she has stayed!! I am so happy!! It has been really neat to see what life is like for Connie to have a half-sister to deal with.

Buck first came into Odyssey during The Green Ring BuckFromClubhouse-clear.pngConspiracyHe was a “bad guy” then…but still charming. A lot of AIO fangirls loved him..and still do (Hope Intrusion: including me XD) 😛 He came back to Odyssey in The Ties That Bind, album 58! Eugene and Katrina are now his foster parents!! Hope Intrusion: THAT ACCENT THOUGH AHHHHHHH So, within a few albums, we got two new teenagers in Odyssey!

They have been a really exciting past 10 albums! I have really been enjoying the new lessons they have been teaching with Buck and Jules. Hope Intrusion: Me too! They are opening new doors for exploring new topics!! I like that they are slightly older teenagers, it affects me more since I am an older teenager 🙂

Now…back to Jules and Buck being a “thing”!! It has never been clearly stated that they like eachother…but I think at least Jules likes Buck…*smirks* And it is hard to tell if Buck is just really friendly, or…if he likes Jules! 😀

At the very least they have been good friends with each other! It has been nice to see them click so well, and help each other through all the change they are both going through! ❤


Well, there you go! Those are my thoughts on Jules and Buck! What are your thoughts?! 😀


What have been some of your favorite moments with Jules and Buck?

What do you think of Jules and Buck?

Tell me your thoughts!! I’d love to hear them! 🙂 


  1. What a great post, Gracie!! Very well done! 😃

    What have been some of your favourite moments with Jules and Buck?
    Ooh, I loved Buck teaching Jules to drive! That was a fun one. Isn’t Connie’s reaction SO…CONNIE??!! Lol

    What do you think of Jules and Buck?
    I really like the characters of Buck and Jules. Like I said before, I think they would have to date secretly, as Connie and Eugene are trying to keep them as far away from each other as possible! 😉
    Jules has talked negatively about Odyssey and how she wants to get out the place, but I think she is starting to like Odyssey, especially with Buck being there. 😍 Truth be told, I think she would miss Odyssey if she left.

    I loved this ‘Let’s Talk Tuesday!’ Nice job! 👍

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Oh, come on gals, of COURSE Buck likes Jules!! 😂
    (But yeah, I do ship them, and I think there could be a ton of super interesting stories to tell there, and some really fantastic teaching moments, too. Annnywaaaay… #Buckles4Ever!! 😂)

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I wish Odyssey would show a proper way for kids to handle their crushes and feelings, and maybe instead of always having everyone date they could show a courtship romance, but it is what it is.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Oh I love Jules and Buck as a “thing.” They’re sooo cute together.

    Okay so maybe I was like you and Hope and was kind of really liking Buck the first time he came onto Odyssey….Idc that he was bad…but then again I did and it was sooooo saddddd

    Liked by 4 people

  5. Neat! Oh yeah, Buck is great! (His accent, though…) Did anybody catch the “cute, but pondering look” in Crash Course?
    Anyway, I think they would both have to be Christians before they date. What about you guys?

    Liked by 3 people

  6. Hopefully I don’t go off on a tangent here,

    Great post, Gracie! I like and appreciate you established who the characters were first, and talked about the significance of their friendship. That’s something that can’t be understated, but as much as I want them to influence each other in a positive way, it’s difficult since neither of them are Christians and have the tendency to fall into old habits. That doesn’t mean they can’t ever encourage one another, or try and keep each other from making wrong decisions, like Buck did when Valerie befriended Jules just for her money. Man, that was a good episode. But without Christ, their whole perspective is different, what they see as significant. I hope when they do become Christians even, they’re friends first before actually getting serious. But eventually, yeah, I want them to get together.
    On a another note, keep blogging guys! I get so happy when I get notified of a new post

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Hey anyone who sees this (IK i’m late to this post but wtvr) 🙂 🙂 🙂

    I’m a hugeeee B+J shipper. [or as I started calling it, BJ (like… Bee Jay) ok wtvr… moving on!]

    One of my fav scenes is in the Long End (I think part one) when Buck and Jules are walking past J+J antiques and Buck starts to say something b4 Jason interrupts. [come on Jason… really ruined the moment!]

    Honestly, I really really hope Odyssey decides to make them an official couple. It would be great for teen AIO fans (like myself) to have a RELATABLE couple that isn’t old enough to get married 🙂
    Also, anyone who was there when the Green Ring Conspiracy came out is now abt 10 years older. So, everyone who remembers meeting Buck then is definitely mentally prepared enough for a B+J relationship.

    Lastly, I know it’s underrated- but how awesome was it when Buck walked Jules home like the FIRST day he met her?

    Ok, that’s all. I will force my unwilling self to stop ranting haha

    ❤ Grace


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