{Album 64} Episode reviews with Hannah! | “Sir Buddy’s Snowy Day”

Copy of Episode reviews with Hannah! _ “Sir Buddy's Snowy Day_



Sir Buddy’s Snowy Day!

Alright friends. Get ready, because I’ve got some more character ranting to do. This time about Leonard (Buddy) Normand. When I first heard about this character, I was really excited. He sounded a lot like me. However, as his episodes went on, he became a disappointment on multiple levels. Not to say there’s nothing good about him, I just don’t think he was very well developed.

                Based on Buddy’s first episode and what we learned about him, it sounded like he was a socially anxious kid who loved art and Japanese comic books and was pretty smart. I think the elements that made up this character dissolved when the writers confused social anxiety with a general fear of everything. And this happened from the beginning. For example, in his first episode, A Predicament of Biblical Proportions, yes, Buddy was afraid of Mr. Whittaker, but not because he was afraid talking to him, but because he looked like “Willy Wonky.”

                Now, you may be asking, “But Hannah, what’s wrong with a character who struggles with fear?” To which I say,


I don’t have a problem with a character that struggles with fear, but I don’t think the writers understand fear enough. They keep mixing different kinds of fears. As I said before, anxiety is a different kind of fear than the fear of tornadoes, and the fear of tornadoes is very different from a fear of the dark. You can’t have a character who, every episode is afraid of something new but completely random. It’s not accurate, it weakens the character, and it doesn’t help kids.

A better direction for Buddy would be to have him struggle with social anxiety, and maybe another bigger, ongoing fear (storms, certain environments, authority figures, etc). This would then make room for his hobbies to show up more, instead of all of his episodes having the theme of fear.

Now, I realize that Sir Buddy’s Snowy Day was an exception to a lot of those things. Except for the fact that Buddy was afraid of snow at one point. Snow? Really?

Alright. So, good things about this episode:

–          The Callbacks to Snow Day were great!


–          I liked the narration!

–          It was genuinely entertaining.

–          I really like Buddy’s voice actor

–          EVA PARKER

And the bad things:

–          I like the knights and castles theme, but I can’t decide if I like that Buddy likes it. It goes against his character just a bit.

–          I hate Olivia so much. I don’t understand what she is anymore. She should be like 16, but she whines constantly and is just really rude. And I’m not sure if I should blame her VA or the writers.

–          They need to stop trying to make Buddy like Trent. It’s ridiculous. It’s disrespectful to Trent’s character and who he was. It’s done poorly. He’s not a well enough developed character for him to suddenly, out of nowhere, be destined to fall in love with Zoe.

–          Zoe confuses me. They say she’s a writer. But she’s not. She has none of the attributes of a writer. She’s a fangirl. She’s an Instagram expert. She’s Olivia’s best friend- maybe? Actually, is she anymore? It just sounds like Zoe’s 12 and Olivia is 3. There’s just too much of an age gap there.

–          WHY ARE ZOE AND BUDDY GOING TO FALL IN LOVE?! I just don’t understand. They’re so underdeveloped that saying they’re going to end up together is meaningless. See, when they did this with Trent and Mandy, they’d had been on the show for a long time beforehand, so it was exciting to find out they’d get married eventually. With Zoe and Buddy, it just seems really rushed. I’m not against them being together. I just need more from the characters before being able to ship them. I guess my point is that no one thought of shipping Buddy and Zoe before this. They’ve had, what? One episode together? Maybe two?

Okay so it looks like there’s a lot of bad there, but I really did enjoy the episode. The picking negatives aren’t as bad against the bigger positives.

Music – 3.5

Sound Effects – 4

Acting – 4

Moral – 3.5

Plot – 4

Quality – 3

Overall rating – 3.6


  1. I have to agree with your eating in this episode… Even though I started out loving Buddy (he’s an imaginative geeky kid who wishes he lived in a fantasy world and finds dragons and warriors in everything… He’s a lot like me, how could I NOT like him?!), it’s almost seeming as though the writers have very little grip on what they’re going for with him, except the general idea of him being a mashup of Trent and Alex for the new AIO generation. Which means his place in the entire story is pretty muddy at this point. [Though I can kinda relate with him being afraid of Whit because he reminded him of “Willy Wonky”… I know I was more than a little freaked out by the new Alexa devices because they reminded me of Ultron… Buddy is just an avid reader/ fantasy lover with an over-active imagination.]

    I was sooo happy to see Jay back in this episode!!! His crush on Zoe and the ensuing antics from him constantly trying to get her attention have become so much fun for me!! 😂
    Though I also agree that I don’t get why the Buddy x Zoe hint was even necessary… I guess I kinda headcanoned it right back out of the episode for myself…

    Great episode review!! Keep up the good work on this site, and it’ll be the new AIO-fanplace in no time!! 😀

    [Oh, but one other thing I have to mention: you kinda seemed to be implying that being a fangirl is not compatible with being a writer… I know from personal experience that this is really not true… 😜]

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You made some great points, Hannah!! Stuff that I had not thought about. I really liked this episode I liked how they talked about crushes a bit. It affected me when I first listened to it. I do agree with you about Olivia, she is not always the best role model of a young teen :/ But I think it was a good episode! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • I also thought the whole “crushes” theme in this episode was a great one for them to tackle!! It’s a bit unconventional for Odyssey to go after not his way, and it was a bit of a risk to do a whole episode on it, but even with as muddled as a lot of us found this episode, I thought it was very commendable of them to have chosen this theme to deal with. I thought the overall message of it was great, and this episode could’ve been fantastic if handled in a slightly different way.

      Olivia has also really disappointed me as a character… She seemed to grow so much in The Ties that Bind, only for them to take her back several maturity-levels in more recent episodes… I used to enjoy her, but she’s just become embarrassing for us girl fans who are (supposedly) near her age… 😐 it also makes me a bit worried for what they could do to Buck and Jules, as well as any other teenaged character that could be introduced in the future… 😕

      Liked by 2 people

      • Totally!! The that’s why I love that they chose to incorporate Buck and Jules back into the story! My mom and I were listening to some recent episodes together during a recent car trip we had to take, and one was “Friend or Foe”. After it was over, my mom was trying to figure out why I love Jules so much, and I explained that even though she’s definitely flawed as a person, and has a lot of growing to do before she becomes a good Christian role-model, I and a lot of other teens find her very relatable in the things she goes through and ways she reacts to her situations. It’s easier to see her struggles and actually feel a connection with her and what she’s going through, and be rooting for her to do the right thing and move forward in her relationships with the other characters and with Christ, than it is a character like Olivia or Buddy. Same with Buck. Having realistic characters our ages is something that I think is really important to the older (as in, teen/young adult) Odyssey fanbase, and it means a lot when they actually make an effort to give us that.

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      • Yes!! I totally agree!! I can relate to Jules and Buck way more than any of the other kids/teens in Odyssey! They have been facing more stuff that us teens actually go through, and they have worked some if it out in episodes, so that has been awesome! 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

  3. It was a strange episode. I would have to agree that it was weird for Buddy to all of the sudden show-up and then have a crush on a regular AIO character. I wonder if he will show up in future episodes. Overall, it wasn’t bad, but not a regular, classic type of AIO episode that I enjoy. 😉
    Great review, I really enjoyed it! 🙂

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